Vaping & Smoking Detection

Maintain a Safer, Healthier Campus Environment

Capture vape events. Take action. Improve health and safety.

Curb Teen Vaping & Smoking

Address the ongoing student vaping epidemic with an integrated system of Cameras, Air Quality Sensors and more. Add visibility to data-based insights to more accurately detect, prevent and manage vaping.

Receive real-time alerts via SMS and email when smoking or vaping is detected in high-risk areas such as bathrooms and locker rooms. Pair sensors with video security to gain additional context.

Confiscating teen vapes
School Environmental sensors

Environmental Sensing

The same environmental sensors used to detect vaping and smoking can also detect other air quality issues such as VOCs and CO. Temperature monitoring and noise detection in these units can also help determine if something out of the ordinary is occurring in areas where you can't install cameras.

The data collected by sensors can be paired with cameras for validation of trigger events and to provide additional context around alerts.

Get The Survey

school environmental sensor analytics

Verkada’s 2023 Teen Vaping Survey presents a comprehensive

examination of teen vaping, bringing together perspectives and

insights from parents, high school teachers and vaping and nonvaping

teenagers alike. We delve into the key drivers behind

its appeal to teenagers, its impact on classroom dynamics and

what’s working (and not) in the responses to curb the behavior.

Download the 2023 Teen Vaping Survey which brings together perspectives and insights from parents, high school teachers, and students alike.

I Consent to Receive email messages from TCI, including the message containing this requested vaping survey. I can unsubscribe at any time.

*Note: TCI does not sell or share your information with anyone outside of our organization, ever.


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