Schools can have a multitude of visitors throughout the course of the day. From vendors to parents to volunteers, the need for capturing, vetting, and tracking visitor logs and credentials is essential to providing a safe learning environment.
Read on to learn about the primary reasons a next-generation visitor management system is integral to school safety.
The most basic version for vendor management systems is to allow the automated visitor check-in and check-out process. Advanced visitor management systems can digitize paper logs, provide historical reporting with search capability and help attending staff with added functionality of badge printing.
A next generation visitor management system is tied to national criminal and sex offender databases to enable instant verification of visitor data. The system can scan their ID, search the database, and return results in seconds. The system can even be tied into school management software to validate that the person picking up a child is not restricted from doing so.
With a next generation visitor management system incorporated with a video surveillance system, visitors and guests can be tracked throughout the school campus. If you need to know where someone was last seen, you can search for them by picture. You can even be alerted is a visitor is in an unauthorized area.
With a modern visitor management system, paper visitor logs are a thing of the past. Export logs and visitor records and perform real time searches into history. Searches can include photos and ID verification history in addition to just the date and time.