Why Cox Panoramic Wi-Fi Isn't Good for Business

Why Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi Router is Not a Good Solution for Small Businesses

June 18, 20245 min read

Why Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi Router is Not a Good Solution for Small Businesses

How the lack of a next generation firewall exposes your business to cyber threats


If you are a small business owner looking for a reliable and secure internet service provider, you might have considered Cox Communications as an option. Cox offers a variety of plans and packages for different needs and budgets, and one of their features is the Panoramic Wi-Fi router, which they claim to provide fast and consistent Wi-Fi coverage throughout your home or office.

However, before you sign up for Cox’s service and get their Panoramic Wi-Fi router, you should be aware of some of the drawbacks and limitations of this device, especially when it comes to security. In this blog post, we will explain why Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi router is not a good solution for small businesses, and how the lack of a next generation firewall exposes your business to cyber threats.

What is a Next Generation Firewall?

A next generation firewall is a device or software that monitors and controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic, based on predefined rules and policies. A firewall can help protect your network from unauthorized access, malicious attacks, and data breaches.

A next generation firewall (NGFW) is a type of firewall that offers more advanced features and capabilities than a traditional firewall. A NGFW can perform Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), which means it can analyze the content and context of the network traffic, not just the source and destination. A NGFW can also integrate with other cybersecurity tools, such as antivirus, intrusion prevention, web filtering, and application control, to provide comprehensive and granular protection for your network. Learn more about Integrating Cybersecurity

Why Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi Router is Not a Next Generation Firewall

Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi router is a device that combines a modem and a router in one unit. It is designed to provide Wi-Fi coverage for your home or office, and it also supports some basic firewall functions, such as port forwarding, DMZ, and MAC filtering.

However, Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi router is not a next generation firewall, and it does not offer the same level of security and protection that a NGFW can provide. Here are some of the reasons why Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi router is not a good solution for small businesses:


1.     Lack of Deep Packet Inspection

Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi router does not perform deep packet inspection, which means it cannot detect and block malicious or suspicious network traffic that may contain malware, ransomware, phishing, or other cyber threats.


       2.   No Integration with Security Tools

Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi router does not integrate with other security tools, such as antivirus, intrusion prevention, web filtering, and application control, which means it cannot prevent or mitigate the impact of a cyber-attack on your network.

       3.   Absence of Advanced Firewall Features

Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi router does not support advanced firewall features, such as VPN, SSL inspection, identity-based policies, and threat intelligence, which means it cannot provide a secure and encrypted connection for your remote workers, inspect the encrypted traffic for hidden threats, enforce granular access control based on user identity, and leverage the latest threat information to update your security posture.

What are the Security Risks of Using Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi Router?

By using Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi router, you are exposing your small business to several security risks, such as:

·       Data Breach:

If a hacker or a cybercriminal manages to bypass your firewall and gain access to your network, they can steal your sensitive data, such as customer information, financial records, intellectual property, and trade secrets. This can result in legal liabilities, reputational damage, and financial losses for your business.

·       Business disruption:

If a hacker or a cybercriminal launches a denial-of-service (DoS) attack on your network, they can overwhelm your bandwidth and resources, and disrupt your normal business operations. This can cause downtime, lost productivity, and customer dissatisfaction for your business.

·       Ransomware:

If a hacker or a cybercriminal infects your network with ransomware, they can encrypt your data and demand a ransom for the decryption key. This can paralyze your business and force you to pay a hefty sum or lose your data forever.

·       Compliance violations:

If you are subject to any regulatory or industry standards, such as  PCI DSS, HIPAA, or GDPR, you are required to implement adequate security measures to protect your data and network. By using Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi router, you may not meet the minimum-security requirements and face fines, penalties, or audits for non-compliance.


Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi router is not a good solution for small businesses, because it is not a next generation firewall, and it does not offer the same level of security and protection that a NGFW can provide. By using Cox’s Panoramic Wi-Fi router, you are exposing your business to cyber threats, data breaches, business disruption, ransomware, and compliance violations.

If you want to secure your network and protect your business, you should consider investing in a next generation firewall that can perform deep packet inspection, integrate with other security tools, and support advanced firewall features. A next generation firewall can help you prevent, detect, and respond to cyber-attacks, and ensure your business continuity and compliance.

At TCI, we specialize in Managed IT and Cybersecurity Services designed to protect your business from cyber threats. Our solutions include advanced next generation firewalls, comprehensive network monitoring, and integration with leading security tools. Contact us today to learn how we can enhance your security posture and safeguard your business against cyber threats.

For more information, visit our website Managed IT Services and Cybersecurity pages.

Contact TCI today!

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